If Europe really wants to play a role in the world of tomorrow, and this will be a world of realpolitik dictated by the pacific region, then it must reverse the principles of recent years.
Political competence must be returned from bureaucracy-ridden Brussels to the regions, a right of secession for these regions must be anchored in the community that exerts pressure on any form of centralization of power, europe must de-bureaucratize itself and deregulate markets, there must be a common migration pact that puts an end to the immigration misery and the resulting domestic political catastrophe situation.
Europe must become so fiscally attractive in terms of tax law that the bright minds come and not the failed, dubious existences that an entrepreneurial spirit emerges and a new corporate culture can grow, Europe must recommit itself to the family as the foundation of society and cut its socialist golden calf, the paralyzing welfare state, to the extreme. It must overcome its propaganda education of left-wing radical rainbow Stalinism and find its way back to meritocratic values and individual performance orientation.
It sounds like a Herculean task, and it is. But precisely these processes will one day be contained, when more and more people realize that the careless and infantile abandonment of personal responsibility into the hands of functionaries and rent seekers is once again giving birth to the very political and social processes that have already turned the 20th century into a century of catastrophes. It is precisely the wonderful fruit of meritocratic bourgeois society that leads to the prevention of power-centeredness and the control of those who attack it.