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For me it's that triplet of books 1984, brave new world and animal farm. I haven't read those since the covid saga unfolded in the early 2020s. Been wanting to but haven't yet.
A related question: Which media productions have you found most rewarding, interesting or entertaining to read/watch/listen to repeatedly? Any ones that got better on subsequent viewings?
All the math and physics texbooks from the uni days, but of course I don't have time and mental capacity anymore.
If you start the carnivore diet you'll shred through those like a young Shrodinger.
Just kidding of course but I did get some improvement in mental power since I started ditching carbs many years a go and a little more on top of that when trying carnivore.
Shrodinger was on my mind since I started reading the classic by him "What is Life". Great little book so far.
I was also kidding. I did a few Coursera and Brilliant courses couple of years ago, upto Quantum Computing (great one on Brilliant). But I already forgot most of it, as have nowhere to utilize.
I love Mr. Robot, I used to watch it every year. Now it’s been four years since I last watched it—I chose to take a break to see if I still feel the same impact this show has on me. I recommend it to everyone.
Fortunately or unfortunately, it’s not mainstream.
Hey my bro. Wassup🤣🤣