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0 sats \ 8 replies \ @userbob6 17h \ on: How can we combat the obesity epidemic? AskSN
Bullying is very effective, as I've seen many cases cure themselves after being savagely bullied about their weight. It works by means of sheer incentivisation, that if they do the work, the bullying will stop.
Bullying has been proven time and time again to be ineffective and often has the reverse effect.
Even if you have anecdotal evidence of psychological abuse working, this is not the answer.
I will entertain an argument that perhaps bullying is not the right word, but the evidence is empirical because I've seen it with my own two eyes. More than once. Anyone who says it doesn't work is a part of the problem.
It's the natural approach, because obesity is and isn't an inherited thing, so you can't just blame parents. Although they are more often than not the prime contributor. It's a culmination of bad choices. Habits that, when left unchecked, will run your life into an early grave.
Drugs and therapy definitely only enable these habits. Diet and exercise are what's needed, but most people who suffer this condition need to be pushed out of their laziness to do it. Sometimes rather harshly before they are finally awash with the motivation to change.
You're talking about about anecdotal evidence. And it doesn't work. Studies have shown that it has the reverse effect more often than not. Saying "You're part of the problem if you disagree with me" doesn't make you correct. It just makes you sound ignorant.
Bullying does not work. You can't force someone to change by making them feel bad, it just makes you a piece of shit.
It's not forcing someone to change by making them feel bad. It's forcing them to feel bad about their bad choices, which eventually does lead to change. If they are cottled and babied and otherwise enabled and filled with entitlement about their bad choices, they will certainly make more bad choices. Removing consequences for bad choices leads to more bad choices.
No it doesn't. It more often then not makes them hide their behavior and creates eating disorders. What you're talking about isn't effective.
All you're doing is being an absolute piece of shit if you're bullying someone. There's no justifying your dog shit behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.
No I'm absolutely sure that the pieces of shit are the ones going around making it OK to be fat. Obesity has been properly handled by bullying since the dawn of time. They are either inspired to change, or they go into hiding and kill themselves. The latter would be natural selection playing out naturally. We had a lot fewer obese back when this was how things were handled. Now we got a bunch of sissified therapists running around with words like 'fatphobia' and 'fatshaming'. It's a dog-eat-dog world and teaching people that it's not is what a piece of shit does. Nature makes the fat dog slow, and thus, fat dog gets picked on until faster or dead.