Just leaving this summary picture up top as that's all I really want to share with this post...
I'm on a long journey of trying to heat every aspect of my life with bitcoin mining. I started just running s9 antminers in the garage, moved to using a number of Nano 31 as extremely ineffective space heaters, but finally was generously given some beefcake miners for free last month.
I'm going to shove those bad boys right into my HVAC's air return, so I experimented first with a single s9 while figuring out how to power the big ones.
However, I'm using an electrician who is a friend2 to put in the circuit and he's not as motivated as me. In the meantime, he had me drill these holes for the conduit, which was quite fun.
Now, I'm chomping at the bit to finish this and had a big passage to run some ethernet through in the meantime. ...so....I popped another s9 on the air return just to do SOMETHING.
Anywho, thought I'd share for other aspiring low-level heat punks like myself or anybody that wants to tell me I'm killing the resale value of my house by turning the HVAC into swiss cheese.
who was successfully orange pilled in this process, woot! ↩