This is my personal opinion only based on my experience as a photographer over the years.
I have found there is 2 types of photographers.
One being a purist.. a purist to me is someone that does zero editing or very little.. they depend on getting colors and everything perfect in camera.. they have dialing white balance in perfectly.. as well as every setting possible to pop out of camera a very beautiful photo. With minor touch ups.. I personally have a lot of respect for purist.. they can answer any question on everything from gear specs and camera settings…
I personally can not do that..
But I have had purist come after my work saying I’m a hack because I edit in Lightroom.. grass is not that color, skies are not that color ect
But yet every purist I’ve ever met loves black and white photography 🤔 well in black and white .. grass and skies arnt that color as well 🤷🏻♂️
I love black and white photography myself. If I had my way that’s all I would do 🤗
Then you have the other kind of photographer that I put myself in .. that’s being more of an artist in editing.. if you asked me right now how many mega pixels does my camera have .. I would have to look it up in google .. because I know more about Lightroom specs then I do gear…
When I go shoot my camera is in RAW and my white balance is permanently locked at 5500k .
RAW files are very flat and boring straight out of camera.. I see my camera purely as collect nice clean sharp photos.. as if I’m collecting a sketch on a canvas before I paint it.. all the Lightroom tricks in the world will not fix a poorly shot photo.. Lightroom for me enhances a flat boring RAW file ( my sketch ✍️)
I get compliments on my work from people saying I hope to some day get my photography to your level .. as much as I appreciate the compliment.. there is a good chance you are already at my level of photography even if you shoot in auto mode.. it’s my knowledge of editing and bringing out my vision as a artist from a clean sketch to a printable product..
As much as I appreciate compliments on my work just like the next guy .. but let’s talk about the reality of things .. you’re only seeing my successful shots posted.. no photographer is going to post their horrible shots.. purist or artist..even though I have been shooting for over 20 years.. I still come home with some failed shots just like any beginner in here.. mind you I do come home with a lot less failed shots then I use to..
But my point is if you only judge my work 100% on my successful shots .. your being fooled by a false environment of the internet.. you’re going to do nothing but discourage yourself.. because you see your failed shots mostly… rest assure I have many failed shots .. I could fill up more hard drives with failed shots that didn’t make the cut.. then I could with successful shots..
The failed shots have been my best lessons to do all I can to correct it and come home with nice clean sketches to do my art on..
If you strive to be a purist.. know your camera gear inside and out and make it work for you..
If you strive to be an artist.. learn how to get nice clean sketches and learn editing inside and out ..
I’ve included 2 photos of a statue.. both been edited.. one I feel is poorly edited and one improved…
I hope this breaks the false environment the internet can bring . And causes beginners to be discouraged.. us pros still fail just like you .. we just don’t post our failures 🤗❤️
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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 7 Mar
From my perspective simply 👏 Bravo.
The only thing that could not agree with your words, is to differentiate the purists from the colorists with the word "artist."
For me both are artists. And everyone expresses as the best seems to him, but in essence both are making an artistic expression.
From the one who captures his photos using and knowing every aspect of his camera and having a result without requiring edition.
both the one who triggers in automatic and then re -free to his creativity with the filters and editions of colorimetry.
I consider that at the end of the day both carry out the magic of photography, capture moments and our environments in an image for posterity.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @_Bubble_2009 5 Mar
Adobe's software Ligthroom was born with the idea of developing digital negatives.
Basically, this software reproduced the steps that could be done in the darkroom. Now Adobe has put a lot of things into this software, but using only the basics of lightroom, I don't consider it photo editing.
I myself, I only use light room to fix the layers and little else, so I consider my photos genuine. It then depends a lot on the type of photo that one takes. During a studio shot, the photographer has plenty of time to control all the parameters (exposure, framing, lights etc etc), but in spontaneous photography, especially in street ph, you never have all this time, so some slight additions in the light room are part of the shot.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @TNStacker 3 Mar
The photos are fantastic. Well, you get to decide how you want to be, what influences you, and whose advise or criticism you accept. I say the best answer is both. The real or best photographer can deliver the pure, unedited shot for a news report or documentary. They can also get as creative as they, or their patron, would like.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @zuspotirko 3 Mar
I don't understand "purists" except for analog shoots. And for digital at least color grading and dodge&burn are the bare minimum for me.