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Man oh man I would not want to be anyone in Boston Mayor Michelle Wu's office or just associated with her at all... Why might you be wondering?! Well on Saturday night an individual pulled a knife on two people and started chasing after them attempting to stab them. These individuals ran into a Chick-Fa-La where luckily an off duty police officer was who intervened. When the knife wilding person refused to compile and kept threatening the officer discharged their weapon resulting in the knife wielding persons death.
Now you might go okay thats great the officer saved lives no one got stabbed how the hell could this possibly go wrong?!?! Well when asked about the incident Mayor Wu stated "My condolences, and all of our thoughts, are with the family of the individual whose life has been lost".... ABSOLUTLY NOTHING about the officer and his life saying actions or any sort of good thing to say. The best the officer got was a im happy he is safe. That is it.
Naturally the NATIONAL news including left leaning medias are tearing this to shreds because I mean this person was chasing people with a knife trying to stab them. This person did not listen to police and kept on threatening. What else was the officer supposed to do? Have someone get stabbed and then act?!?!?! No that would have been 1000 times worse!
Rough way to start a week for sure but now Wu is actually on her way to Washington, DC... She is in DC to testify before the House about Sanctuary Cities.
On March 5th at 10 AM she along with other mayor of sanctuary cities will be testifying before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. I am sure this hearing is going to get a ton of attention because these cities will be having to justify their laws which run counter to Federal Laws. While I am a huge states rights person the Federal Government is in charge of immigration not the states and esp. not the cities. On top of that these states and cities are going to want Federal dollars to pay for this is one way or another.
RIP to her because this is going to be a rough rough week. Plus the ICE raids in Boston are rumored to be kicking off soon and idk if anyone has seen the videos from what they are calling "bostontok" about how Boston people are not going to let ICE raids occur.... Sounds like more people just want to go to jail to me.