I'm completely broke. Yes, I've been "wrecked" a few times. Bitcoin was never about getting rich, it was about challenging the status quo.
I had to leave my hometown in the Northeast USA right before lockdowns to find work. I had nothing but a bicycle and some hiking gear. It was mid-February. My breath froze on the surface of my face, creating an ice mask. After several days of bike-packing and hiking further north and east, I got a job.
But I didn't truly stack sats. Yes, I converted all my money to Bitcoin whenever possible, but I used my Bitcoin for remittances. I sent money to Kyrgyzstan where it's worth more. At first, I sent money to four different parties. Then, I decided to focus spending on my Kyrgyz girlfriend.
I worked many shit jobs and could sometimes save $10k to $20k by living in a tent. I actually prefer to live this way. But, it seems like I mostly just spoiled my girlfriend. The money all disappeared. I DID fund a two classroom schoolhouse that's been 90% completed for 5 years. But that was in the pre-COVID era.
Over the years, I find myself falling into the same pattern over and over again. Work, send Bitcoin to my lady, travel, go broke, start again. Surely, there's more to life.
Bitcoin came as a sign of change. But I'm not feeling any real big changes. I think we're doing it wrong, guys. Can't we be doing something differently?
A few days ago, I bought a Frosty at Wendy's in the San Salvador airport with Bitcoin. Feels like a long way from being able to have a family. Now, I'm looking for a shit job again, taking two shits at a time in the woods, drinking runoff from the ground. Where did we go wrong?