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10 sats \ 0 replies \ @GhostofTruth 12h
If the US has the cojones to fully withdraw from european affairs we will soon all face the truth: the degenerares in London, Brussels and Berlin had no cards on their hands. Zero.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @BlokchainB 20h
Very well put. Z tried the bait and switch and Trump pimp slapped him. And now all Ukraine supporters are calling Trump Putin’s lapdog but Russia is a European problem. USA already helped! We did more than our fair share. Time for Europe to man up. We are out!
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @Bell_curve OP 20h
Russia cares about no NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia.
Then Crimea.
Then Donbas (independent and dmz)
The last 3 years of fighting could have been avoided but NATO decided to grind down Russia by sending money to Ukraine.