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This week's stats:
Tuesday - 10km - 5:52/km pace - 47m elevation gain
Sunday - 24km - 6:22/km pace - 196m elevation gain
Alcohol consumption: None
How it felt this week:
Felt good during Tuesday's run even though it was ran after work with tired legs. Was supposed to do a 6km run Friday night, but Monster Hunter Wilds released and I ended up running a marathon and some more in the game instead. /SMH... Anyways, back at it this morning with the long run. Felt sluggish during the run, probably from all that sitting and gaming. All the sitting made my lower back uncomfortable / sore too; need to do more stretching to fix it. The game is really good, but I really need to watch my gaming time. I also decided to go an extra km longer than the usual 23km to try to make up (at least a little) for the missed run on Friday. Overall a pretty good week, but it feels like my endurance is not building up quick enough to allow me to finish within 4 hours and reach my goal. Planning for a 30km+ run next Sunday or the one after, we will see. Got one thing going for me, the weather is warming up nicely and we are getting some sun instead of just cloud and rain.
Weeks before race day: 9 weeks.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @IamSINGLE 16h
Thanks for posting updates on training. I'm pretty sure this will inspire many lazy ones to attempt something for their health and fitness.
Just keeping a log and posting weekly updates to hold myself accountable. The accountability part seems to be working so far, because I think twice before trying to grab an alcoholic drink or trying to talk myself out of not going on a run.
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @fishious 20h
During your long runs, do you eat anything to stay fueled?
No I don't. I usually eat 1 banana and drink plenty of water before the run, but no food or drink during the run. If the run is over 30km, I usually run home to drink water/coconut water (electrolytes) and eat another banana at 23-24km, and then run the rest on a 6km loop near home. I always carry my phone with me on long runs in case of any emergency.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @fishious 15h
Wow. That's very impressive. I'm trying out different foods for fuel during my run, but I don't think I could do no water. Is that something you trained for or your body just doesn't really need it?
I think I've trained myself into doing that. I've been running long distance for a while now (this year's full marathon will be my 6th, I ran my first full marathon in 2018), although I'm still very slow. I used to carry a bottle of water when I go on long runs, but I hated carrying anything in my hands while running. I also never decided to buy those bottles that you can wear on a vest or on a belt. Instead I trained myself to not need to drink water if the run is under 25km, and plan the route to make pitstops at home if it's over 25km.
I know it's not the point of this post, but I'm jealous of your gaming time.
It's attained by the tradeoff of not enough sleep. Not a good thing, definitely not healthy. But I can get addicted to gaming like that. Need to cut back and play in moderation instead, but man, it's fun to play the new Monster Hunter, haha.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 2 Mar
Nice work!