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People call Trump names all the time. Who cares? In a free society, political leaders aren't protected from criticism. They aren't, or at least shouldn't be treated as, revered elders. Zelensky wasn't a guest. He's a mass murdering thief who was trying to steal more American money.
How people deserve to be treated is determined by their actions. Biden and Zelensky deserve much worse than they've gotten.
What you think about who wants to migrate to America is directly at odds with all of the available evidence. People have literally been dying to get to America for generations, because there's so much opportunity here. Nothing about that is changing any time soon.
While I agree to most your points, I'm just against the way it's all happened.
People have literally been dying to get to America
It won't be same after all these deportations. The graph will definitely go down for USA.
We'll see, but these are only deportations of illegal entrants. There are still an enormous number of legal entrants to America.
Yup, we'll see. Yes, there are many and among them the send highest are from India. Also, here's an interesting facts that Indians are earning way more there than the nationals of any other country.
Yes, India seems to be sending their best and we're much the better for it.
Not sending the best. We're only send the rest. There are so many that it's difficult to manage for everyone.
You know the population is 1.5 billion, 5 times more than the USA but it has 3 times less land than USA.
And it's not only USA where India sends them, it's almost to every developed country.