pull down to refresh

But if you press the button more than 256 times out of range, the key and car become completely out of sync. In this case, the key will no longer work, and you'll need to reprogram it to sync it with the car again.
Okay, now I understand why my dad advised me never to touch car keys, or if I did, to avoid pressing the buttons unnecessarily when I was a kid. I used to press the buttons randomly in a row!
Same. I didn't know. I just thought it was a random dogmatic thing adults said.
I got reminded of this car key trick as well. I'm sharing this; maybe you'll find it useful.
Here is ChatGPT (search) explanation:
Holding your car key fob against your head can indeed extend its range. This phenomenon occurs because the human body, rich in water and electrolytes, can act as a conductor and enhance the transmission of radio waves emitted by the fob. When you press the fob against your head, your body effectively becomes part of the antenna system, boosting the signal's reach.
This method leverages the body's conductive properties to amplify the signal, allowing the car to receive the command from a greater distance. It's a simple trick that utilizes the body's natural composition to enhance the functionality of your key fob.