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Recently, I came across a fascinating post about why someone joined the bitcointalk forum, and it inspired me to pose a question that I consider fundamental: **Why do you use Bitcoin?
I know many see Bitcoin as an investment opportunity or from a purely economic perspective, but I'm convinced that behind each user there's a deeper story, a personal connection with this revolutionary technology.
I'd love to hear your origin stories. With your permission, I'd like to compile these accounts to share through a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting freedom. Everything will be completely anonymous, unless you wish to include your nickname in your response.

What's Your Story?

I'd like to hear from you:
  • What led you to Bitcoin?
  • Does it represent freedom, security, or something completely different for you?
  • How has your life changed since you discovered this technology?
Share your experience, with whatever level of detail you feel comfortable with. Each story is valuable and contributes to understanding the true impact of Bitcoin beyond its price or technical aspects.
Thank you for being part of this community and for considering sharing your story.
F banks!
The Force is strong with this one.
I love privacy. I love be anonymous. I love use something that other person ignore. I hope that in next future many more person will be orange pilled. I hope that you can understand that BTC can change the world. I love Satoshi revolution.