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He ticked off a long list: heat-related illnesses, worsening asthma, heart diseases worsened by wildfire smoke, changing habit for disease-carrying mosquitoes, ticks and other insects, and crop failures that drive hunger, war and migration.
My issue with global warming is the lack of nuance. Any and every problem we have on earth can be blamed on rising temperatures.
Plus we aren’t a global one world government. Even if the west wants to stop CO2 emissions what’s stopping India and China from burning as much fuel as they need.
Have you heard of the Paris Accord?
That is was the global agreement which every country except Libya, Iran, Yemen and now the USA, has agreed to reduce GHG emissions.
China and India have signed the accord. China is the world leader in energy efficiency having adopted a national strategy in 2005 simply based on the pure economic advantages of reducing reliance upon imported energy and improving energy efficiency. Most LED light bulbs are made in China, as are PV solar panels, EVs, Lithium batteries windmills and hydro plants.
Since the 1990s at least western industrial production has moved to China so China does now produce more GHG than any other nation, but that is due to the massive size of its productive manufacturing economy.
Per capita GHG emissions in China and India are still far lower than the US. It is vital that nations like China and India have signed the Paris Accord and recognise the need for all nations and people to work together to reduce GHG emissions.
While the accord is not binding and probably does not achieve as much as what is required to prevent serious problems continuing to develop it did achieve significant global agreement- until Donald Trump trashed it by abandoning it...going against the global scientific consensus and the hard won international agreement that was the Paris Accord.
The worlds most powerful nation and major GHG emitter left a fragile but significant global consensus agreement to deal with a major global problem.
With the US led by Trump abandoning the agreement that is a major GHG emitting nation abandoning the rest of the world who have agree this problem needs to be recognised and addressed.
Trumps reneging on the agreement set the possibility of dealing with this problem via consensus globally back hugely and shows the Trump led USA does not give a fuck about anyone else except the USA.
Most countries don’t care about another country to single out USA for doing this is moot.
All of those technologies you mentioned haven’t reached mainstream pricing yet. Plus all that stuff China is making isn’t made with renewable energy
The rest of the world with the exception of Libya, Yemen and Iran have all ratified the Paris Accord. In doing so the vast majority of nations have at the very least recognised the problem and the need for the world to work together and to start acting upon addressing it.
China is the major global supplier of all the energy efficiency-GHG reduction technologies I mentioned because it produces them more efficiently at a lower cost than any other producer. EVs, LED bulbs, PV panels and hydro generation are all already highly adopted globally in large part due to Chinas deliberate strategy and ability to mass produce them and export at lower cost than any other economy can.
You need to deal with reality and stop being an ignorant troll.
The USA is the only major nation to ABANDON AND RENEGE on its participation in the Paris Accord.
This is Trump and the USA saying Fuck You to the rest of the world.