Less Crime11.1%
No Change50.0%
More Crime33.3%
Other (Please Comment)5.6%
18 votes \ poll ended
I live in one of the rougher areas of my city. City is probably the overall safest in my state, however. Voting to do away with public camping helped. I still hear gunshots late at night about once a week though.
tldr: Neighborhood: no change. City: Improved.
What's the reason for this survey?
Probably neighborhoods that felt more economic pain got more crime. And neighborhoods with higher income (=more homeoffice means more people present = less break ins ) probably see less crime.
That's my guess at least, maybe I'm overlooking something?
I expect people have poor judgement when reasoning about these things. Few people are going to do the research to answer a random poll. I tried, but my city only has public data up until 2019.
We've had a rise in thefts of building materials from construction sites and assaults on trails.