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Hey stackers, today I'm really grateful to finally have on hands a great alternative for SplitWise, an app that have been using to split costs and bills in a super easy and simple way. It has been really helpful to make calculations and have every participant aligned on the same page on what each one has to pay or receive when sharing costs for whatever: meals, house, car trips, holidays, or projects with family and friends.
Today we have finally a bitcoin native alternative: CowBolt! Yes ok, it includes liquid and usdt for some reason, however onchain and lightning are there, available for testing now (ios only on testflight). I want to share this great opportunity to get early access to the app and see what we’re all about!
You can find the link to the beta here:
Main features
  • Cost split: Manage costs. For your next trip or a new business project.
  • Lightning & Liquid Peer to peer: Settle, receive and store your funds in a non-custodial wallet.
  • Team chat: Talk in private. Team work on a Bitcoin standard.
  • Teamwork across borders. Simplified: Cowbolt gives you a tool to collaborate without a middleman. Making group management secure and easy.
  • Track costs and share ideas in private: Manage your group's shared expenses and settle up whenever you decide.
  • Non-custodial settlement. Peer to peer: Enjoy instant global settlements to anyone who have the Cowbolt App or a similar Lightning or Liquid wallet.
Hold your own Bitcoin or Tether USDT: Lightning and Liquid gives the perfect balance of security and cheap transactions for both Bitcoin or Tether USDT.
What I found out so far:
  • Privacy first, the app does not require any email or personal info. Just Swap right to Login/SignUp
  • Keys backup available on cloud and download
  • P2P service, anyhow make sure you cash out as soon as possible
  • Bitcoin onchain not available yet, hopefully soon!
Here are some screenshots:
Do you want to cowbolt with me?
In the screenshots above, you'll find some invites codes (first arrive, first served) and a LN invoice to pay. Who wants to play?
I also think Cowbolt could be a great tool for territory founders that are currently managed collaboratively, thinking about ~econ, ~AGORA, ~Stacker_Sports and ~HealthAndFitness (any other I'm missing?). Now there's a way to split cowboys credits' cost and sats' revenue: @Undisciplined, @grayruby @AG, @AGORA, @realBitcoinDog, @grayruby, @Undisciplined, @IamSINGLE have a look!
In the meantime @k00b and @ek work to provide more features for territory founders, this could also incentivize other stackers to show up and rise their hands to contribute in territories "maintenance" and consecutively receive revenue splits transparently.
Don't be shy, spill your thoughts For support and feedback sharing, you can also join the Cowbolt Telegram group. This is where you’ll get all the latest updates, behind-the-scenes insights, and find the download instructions and support for the app. Always consider that your feedback is invaluable input for devs and builders, make sure you share it openly, with no filters.
If it contain tether shit = stay away. I will not touch any app that promote the use of shit liquid and tether.
good point, from what I can understand, the BTC/LN implementation is done with Breez SDK, that definitely don't include teterbs. Maybe investors hook/requirements? It's possible to just not use the functionality, kind of ignoring it. Do you know any similar solution that allow bills split withh BTC/LN integration? Or maybe any other Splitwise alternative that is opensource?
It was a simple solution some time ago, using LNbits as backend, goingdutch.pm but seems to be offline now. It was designed exactly for this kind of situations where a group of friends want to split a bill.
You can easily create such split process with LNbits split extension.
Anyways, including tether and liquid is not a coincidence, is a real push from fuckers to make people adopt this crap. I consider it a total attack against Bitcoin. But yeah people love to be blind and look away from these.
never heard of it before. I'll take a look at LNbits split extension. This one right? https://github.com/lnbits/splitpayments
Meanwhile, using this app, I'll just ignore whatever isn't BTC/LN, can do better for now, or the worse case scenario, keep using splitwise
Very cool app, my family and I use splitwise.
I will have to check this out - cheers to the builders!
Is Android app in the works? Does liquid pay with CT discounts?
not sure what CT discount is, is related to LBTC?
Android app... not sure! Maybe worth to scroll down the x profile for any info on it
As of this year all confidential transactions on Liquid chain cost 10x less, about 30 sats on average. To make use of this, code changes are needed.
Hey, glad to see such project! Lately someone was asking us if there is such. Wanna join one of our Community Calls with a demo?
This is decentralised wallet?
...and this PWA web app https://expenmo.com no signup required, deal only with GBP
Just found this other open source alternative but only deal with fiat https://splitpro.app/
Looks really nice. Can't wait for Android version. Roadmap says Autumn 2024, haha.
Great stuff! not sure what the browser extension is for... maybe the wallet itself
I am the autocratic dictator of ~econ, but I see your point about comanaged territories.
Jajja I know, that's why I tagged you. I read your updates on co-managing ~econ, can't remember who are the other members. Would be nice to see if a tool like this could help, in the meantime SN release some new founders'features.
No other ~econ managers, but I'm a comanager of ~Stacker_Sports and ~HealthAndFitness.
Oh I see, now the autocratic dictator of ~econ make more sense
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 1 Mar
I think it would be cool to split a territory. Only question would be if one of the members doesn't pay, what happens?
I have plans (distant) to write an album and get bitcoiner musicians to play on it. Each song would be split equally with each participant. I'll keep an eye on it.
Pretty straight forward: Not gonna get the revenue split at the end of the month/year