I love the BTC lightning integration concept to replace karma. How do we draw more people who don't necessarily already Bitcoin?
Or could we encourage other social media sites integrate BTC lightning?
We need to get the regular schmo used to buying sats for social media purposes. Eventually people will figure out BTC is also a good savings vehicle.
SN could add other topics of interest, but it would probably be a slow, organic slog. I see this place as always being more bitcoin focused. Faster adoption will happen by leveraging already existing networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. That's why I think LN on Twitter would be a huge positive regardless of whether Elon also includes his shitcoinery
I love stacker news, it's like reddit before the cia takeover.
Before the cia takeover? Care to elaborate?
Yup. We pretty much have to make it a copy of reddit. People need to be able to create their own subs. I think StackerNews should rebrand, and pretty much do exactly this.
Any company that isn't seeing the power of being able to send small micro-payments for anything & everything is going to be replaced by those who do.
Agreed. The bitcoin-only topic, is limiting potential upside both for the site and the pace of adoption of bitcoin.
Subs are over-due.
I dont think stacker.news is useful for no-coiners ... from my experience (and leanings) I suggest following these steps:
1- dont shill Bitcoin to them (never push) but instead ask them (what do you know about Bitcoin)
2- if the response is positive then have a conversation, if neutral then educate, if negative respond when asking "why do you think so?" and keep on asking questions until you found the angle they are coming from
the best way for me, is to have them download LN wallet and send sats to them (real-time) .... let them be curious and give them room to answer questions

could we encourage other social media sites integrate BTC lightning?
encourage wont do the job.... it revolves around incentives ... businesses will integrate if they see value (fiat terms) and if there is technical assistance
You don't think stacker.news will eventually add other categories and topics?
I believe they will, its a necessity as currently we can tolerate having topics all over the place as the community is small but if it grows bigger (more scattered un-categorised topics) it becomes impossible to find value (esp. for new posts) then you lose new members as their experience wont be that great ...... therefore i believe its a necessity for the future and I believe its a necessity now, building the foundation right from the beginning makes your job a lot easier
Subreddits, subreddits, subreddits.
Let people talk about their favorite topics and let them find out themselves how awesome it is to earn money for contributing to discussions, answering questions and tipping money to things they like.
This platform should either replace all social media like Twitter and Reddit or they should be adopting Bitcoin. So much great content on here because you have to attach a real cost to the content you post.
Good place to send people that are new to bitcoin to get news and exposure to the community
Cracks me up how many comments are something like “SN needs to add more topics”.
The topics for discussion are whatever people post. If you want to talk about something, post it!
first step would be to give users option to keep balance in USD vs btc. Stacker.news can easily use galoy backend or some other synthetic USD in the backend to convert user's balance. Next step is to enable normies to purchase gift cards with their balance (also easy to do via bitrefill integration). There you go, now you have regular people earning sats and using them for real world purchases.
Quite simply, stacker needs to be as good or better than the alternatives. Probably the best thing it can do is be slow and steady like the rest of Bitcoin development. Not worry tooo much about rapid growth and just focus on making a good product.
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