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IBD Performance Milestones in Bitcoin Core Releases

  • Bitcoin Core 0.3.2: Checkpoints: Hardcoded block hashes at specific heights to speed up synchronization by skipping validation of blocks before the checkpoint.
  • Bitcoin Core 0.5.0: Skip Verification of Checkpointed Signatures: Further optimization by skipping signature verification for blocks before checkpoints.
  • Bitcoin Core 0.8.0: LevelDB & Parallel Signature Validation: Replaced BerkeleyDB with LevelDB for better performance and implemented parallel signature validation.
  • Bitcoin Core 0.10.0: Headers-First Sync: Downloads and validates lightweight block headers (80 bytes each) before full blocks, allowing parallel block downloads and protection against fake chains.
  • Bitcoin Core 0.12.0: Switch to libsecp256k1: Replaced OpenSSL with custom-built libsecp256k1 library for signature verification, providing 5-7x speedup in this CPU-intensive operation.
  • Bitcoin Core 0.14.0: AssumeValid: Allows nodes to skip signature verification for blocks before a trusted block hash, reducing IBD time by ~75% compared to previous versions.
  • Bitcoin Core 0.26.0: AssumeUTXO: Will allow nodes to bootstrap from a trusted UTXO set snapshot, enabling immediate transaction verification without waiting for full chain download.
  • UTREEXO (Future): Will optimize Bitcoin's storage by using cryptographic accumulators (Merkle trees) to validate transactions without storing the entire UTXO set.

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369 sats \ 1 reply \ @nullcount 23h
I have heard claims that libbitcoin can sync a node in less than 1hr. It appears to be limited only by the internet bandwidth of the node running IBD.
If true, how is that possible? And why is bitcoin-core so slow and relying on skipping validation all together to "improve performance"?
Edit: looks like libbitcoin uses multiple async threads to verify ranges of blocks at once https://delvingbitcoin.org/t/libbitcoin-for-core-people/1222
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Scoresby 18h
Yeah, my understanding is that Core and libbitcoin do verification differently. Voskuil goes into quite a bit of detail about the differences on Vlad's recent podcast.
113 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scoresby 23h
So most recent improvements to IBD times are based on "just trust me, bro." That doesn't seem great.
Indeed, peak clown marketing. Let's call that bullshit out. The y axis is duration so degradation instead of improvement of performance.
UTREEXO is not block download, it's a different thing with different trade-offs
Actually neither of the assumes are either, you're just skipping validation... this graph is nonsense beyond .12
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