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Citigroup Inc. erroneously credited $81 trillion to a customer’s account instead of $280 last April before reversing the transaction hours later, according to the Financial Times.
“Despite the fact that a payment of this size could not actually have been executed, our detective controls promptly identified the inputting error between two Citi ledger accounts and we reversed the entry,” a Citigroup spokesperson said in an emailed response. “Our preventative controls would have also stopped any funds leaving the bank.”
A total of 10 near misses of $1 billion or more occurred at Citi last year, according to the FT, citing an internal report. While it’s down from 13 cases in previous year, the report said near misses of greater than $1 billion were unusual across the US bank industry.
They fat fingered a payment a few years back sued the company and the judge said it was citi fault and they didn’t have to pay!
And now this! Haha
280, 81T same difference.
When I was a kid I had something similar happen. I was a multimillionaire for about one minute.
The teller let me keep the passbook with the error in tact but ultimately corrected it in the account.
Should've bought all the Bitcoin and run.
26 sats \ 2 replies \ @Wumbo 28 Feb
I feel very confident they would of sued her an likely pressed criminal charges.
But hypothetically I wonder how much bitcoin you could of gotten off an exchange before reaching some daily threshold amount .
That's why I said "and run".
If you owe the bank $81k, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $81T, that's the bank's problem.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Wumbo 28 Feb
"and run" reminded me of ocean eleven scene.
The guy could have been in a real trouble had the money transferred in his account!
just zeros on screens...