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I did a launch here(891331)[#891331] and thought it would be nice to give you all some stats on how it went!
I ended up boosting the post to the frontpage:
  • over 2000 ended up on the site
  • 30 signups
  • 11 waypoints placed by 9 different people
  • 3 people actually found the waypoints!
Overall I think it went pretty well, I didn't actually expect anyone to place any waypoints are find any! Now I'll be working on the many features suggested and coming up with crazy ideas on how to get people to use it 😂
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 13 Mar
Now I'll be working on the many features suggested and coming up with crazy ideas on how to get people to use it 😂
Maybe via sats for quest? 👀
ah well I actually havent got round to any crazy ideas yet as I've mostly been fixing whatever gets broken by the hackers. Got to appreciate working in bitcoin/lightning, you get lots of free penetration testing :D. So far, it's mostly people trying to do concurrent withdrawals and fee siphoning.
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