pull down to refresh

The issue has been fixed, please try and let me know if you still encounter same issue.
It's not an UI issue. Because you're buying No shares which is 0.88 Sats /share You'll get 13 shares in 12 Sats.
It's 12÷0.88=13.6 shared
200 sats \ 1 reply \ @Wumbo OP 26 Feb
I agree with your math but the UI before clicking buy shows as this:
Gotcha. Yes. You're right. There's an issue with a few markets. And it's correct with some. For example.. https://beta.predyx.com/market/liverpool-wins-premier-league
This has quite the similar odds in similar format but shows the sats and shares correctly.
Sorry about inconvenience! My fault :)
Yes, there is something off, another user also reported same issue. We've taken the site offline and are actively working on fixing it. Sorry about the inconvenience. We will refund everyone who suffered similar losses. Please give us sometime to fix it, and then we'll work on the refunds.