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50 sats \ 2 replies \ @nullcount 26 Feb \ on: Should Shitcoins Even Be Regulated? Politics_And_Law
Dave's deeper point is that Democracy (or any mode of government, for that matter) is fake.
Rules do not exist. Nobody can MAKE you do something against your will. They can only use their power/authority to put you in a circumstance where you decide to comply by your own volition (out of self-preservation or some other motive). Only powerful (authoritative) people exist.
Humans, with our tribal/monkey brains are easily controlled by any authority. The illusion of government and law emerges from "submission/compliance to the authority".
The question is not whether or how (we the compliant) will regulate. The only question is whether you (the sovereign) will become someone worth following or whether you will contribute to the illusion that oppresses you.
Agreed. Whenever I hear conversations about "people are too stupid to think for themselves so they need us" type of arguments I constantly think of clips like this from John Taylor Gatto and based free stater Brett Venoitte.