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In order to arrive at hyperbitcoinization, we must first pass thru hyperdollarization. That is most / all shitcoin currencies need to collapse into the dollar.
Not an economist but this sounds like Marxist dialectical determinism. I don't buy it.
68 sats \ 3 replies \ @freetx 13h
Not everything is a conspiracy. Just because some groups can foresee how macro situations playout doesn't mean that they "control" those situations. They are simply moving towards where the ball will be....
It is in the US interest that stablecoins go 10x. Check out this chart and it will explain it better...
Makes sense that stable coins are big buyers of USA bonds
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @fiatbad 8h
It's not going to happen peacefully. And it's not going to be easy for us. But it's the only way forward. Not this fiat-friendly shit Bitcoiners seem to be rooting for.