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I don't actually believe it'll happen, and if it does, it'll be because Sanders is actually as overrated and likely to be a bust as some folks claim (since that's the destiny of the Jets), but still interesting to imagine.
If the Raiders don't take him, that would be a pretty bad sign, since Brady knows him really well.
If the Raiders don't want him and the Jets do, the Raiders should definitely trade back one spot. Could probably swap 6 for 7 and 92. Not a bad deal if you don't want Sanders anyways. Unless of course there is a better trade offer to move further back.
Yeah, Kiper even says that he thinks the Raiders will be more bullish on him as time goes on (possibly even trading up), so I think it's more a snapshot than an actual prediction.
That would be surprising. I do think we will get a surprise and a third QB will be drafted higher than people are expecting but I don’t think Sanders falls past 6 when both the Giants and Raiders need a QB. Who knows, let’s see how free agency plays out. Those teams could sign a FA QB.