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This visualization compares the number of gyms per 100,000 inhabitants to obesity rates across U.S. states in 2024. The data highlights:
  • Highest Number of Gyms per Capita: Massachusetts, with 10.6 gyms per 100,000 inhabitants and an obesity rate of 31%.
  • Lowest Number of Gyms per Capita: West Virginia, with 3.1 gyms per 100,000 inhabitants and the highest obesity rate of 41%.
  • Overall U.S. Average Obesity Rate: 33%.
I visualise every American on SN is kinda Chubby, haha.
This is a bit surprising because working out burns very few calories, obesity come from over eating.
I wonder if this could mean that a larger population of health conscious people means gyms are more profitable.
So skinny people mean you need more gyms, and not the opposite.
Look at you thinking about selection bias. The answer is almost always selection bias.
Americans are way too fat
I agree, it's a really large problem.
Yeah relating back go koob poll about scarcity vs abundance. Americans have access to so much food and look a 3rd of the nation can’t control their eating habits.
154 sats \ 1 reply \ @Aardvark 25 Feb
Not just abundance of food, but also an abundance of convenience. Everything is extremely easy, there's less reason to move around. Not many people are skipping meals because they don't have time.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, but people need to change how make decisions.
You are right. When humans have false idea of abundance they get fat lazy and purse ideas that makes zero sense.
If times were hard the women on only fans would have million dollar incomes for just showing their feet
See whatcha did there!