Last spring I made the decision to get on zero. Which means hold no dollars in my checking account and every dollar I hold would go into bitcoin. When I needed dollars to pay a bill then I would sell the bitcoin get the dollars I needed and pay whatever bill.
If you are considering do this here are some pain points to consider.
Miscalculating the number of dollars you need in a month. This caused me to miss a few auto payments thus making me pay late fees.
The thought of selling bitcoin for dollars is painful. It is a mental hurdle that is hard to defeat. I often found myself using credit cards or waiting to the next payday before selling then bitcoin I needed to pay what ever bill.
When you withdraw the bitcoin then send it back to the exchange and then sell for dollars can really screw up your tax basis. I spent maybe 3 hours manually inputting my transactions into my tax report.
Using gift and Visa cards sucked. Having to keep track of unused balances is a real pain in the ass. One time I tried to get a gift card after eating at California Pizza Kitchen and the app had a bug and it didn’t deliver my gift card. So I had to use credit anyways and got a gift card after the fact which sucked.
Fighting the urge to pay off credit cards balances before they ballon out of control. Ideally you would only sell bitcoin once a month to cover all of your fiat bills but seeing that credit card balance climb can cause anxiety especially if you hate debt.
The anxiety you feel when the price drops a bit and your cash balance goes down $50-$200 and you think damn I could’ve used that extra bit to pay for groceries.
If you decide to do this consider leaving the sats you plan to sell for dollars on the exchange. Soon as you withdraw and add back you are in for a major tax headache. Only withdraw what you never plan to spend in the short run.
I will still try to live on zero but keep more of a cash cushion for peace of mind.