This week is gonna start, let this week be profitable!
i wanna shere my experience in this new BTC world. I started use LN as a way of exchanging good and servicies. I just found out that you can litterally have a LN node with not that much effort but you need an infrastructure well defined.
I'm building with my coworkers a green energy community and we are wondering how include BTC and LN in the project.
Altought we would like to let people work for us with no contract. Like reserving a place on a bike 2 hr for exemple and workout while being paied.
I had very good tips by @DarthCoin 'couse a friend of him build a energy bike to farm btc that can power some GPU. I think @andy prototype is a wonderfull idea.
With his bike and his infrastucture you can sell the rest of elettricity to other company that pay with bitcoin.
We found a lot of green energy patents that we can use like turbins, piezoelectric pavments and solar pannels but we would like to sell the entire amount of energy to the distributor ad improve a "energy free" coocking service that can be culturally engaging.
we could do it thanks to "l'Atelier Solaire" a wonderfull project about electric free dryers and ovens.