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Recently near my house they held an adoption day for both cats and dogs. It's common for them to do this from time to time, although I' ve always been a fan of dogs. This time a medium-sized cat caught my attention, although it's a little big. It made me feel very tender to see him alone and so defenseless. Although I never thought about all the responsibility and the process I was going to take on when I put him in my arms. Honestly, I don't regret it.
I am currently facing a small but unique challenge. My cat has not yet learned to do his business in a litter box that I bought together with him on the day of his adoption. Although I have searched on the Internet, I have not been able to convince myself of the alternatives that have been offered to me, so I have decided to open myself up to any opinion or help that will allow me to overcome this stage with my kitten.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
We’ve had to train several kittens and cats on how to use the litter box. The best way is to start with enough non-perfumed litter, we prefer non-clumping because it does not cause problems in the cat’s stomach from licking its feet. Next, we take the cat to the liter box, put him in and with our hands on the cat’s paws, show them how to do the burying movement with both paws, one at a time. Repeat this while the cat will let you, then let him go. Repeat that process several times until he or she gets the idea. I think the cat will do this himself if he is outside by himself. We also keep the cats in the house until it knows the house and is comfortable before letting them outside. This looks like a fairly young one, we have one like it.
Thank you for such an excellent opinion. I had not considered the sand thing. Maybe that has not helped him get used to it, although no one told me at the beginning. Do you think that is what is keeping him from moving forward?
I’m not sure. Cats seem to know how to bury their scat as part of their nature. They just have to get used to the kitty litter that you are using. We noticed that our cats did not like the scented kitty litter, at all. Once we switched, they started using the litter box. Of course, in the summer and good weather, they prefer the outside to the litter box. Is your cat just for the inside or will you be letting it go outside by itself?
That is what I have been able to see, cats are very clean mammals, for my part I do not limit them, many times they are inside the house and at other times they disappear 🫢.
Are you sure that they are not disappearing inside the house? They are really good about that and, also, getting locked into closets. They are clean, and they like clean litter boxes, too. We have five of them here and we clean the boxes every day.
I have tried to get him used to it first or assimilate that this is the place where he should do his business, so that he can do it later. Wow, you are living an incredible experience 🫢 If having 1 gives you a unique experience, imagine having 5, how have you felt throughout this process my friend?
cute kitty
if you haven't already consider a better litter without all the terrible perfumes.
It's beautiful, I will put it into practice, thanks for commenting.
You can try isolating them to a bathroom that has the litter box, a bed, and food/water. This way they get used to the litter box. Then after a week or so you open them up to more of the home.
Generally, you want as many litter boxes for each cat plus one. So, in your situation you should have two litter boxes, preferably one on each level of the home.
You're right, although I live in a small space, I will try to make him feel as comfortable as possible.
" It doesn't matter if it's a black or white cat, the important thing is that he knows how to hunt mice "
Its color never mattered to me, maybe you already know about the mice 🐭 but not about the sandbox.
So it's your turn to instruct it