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Well said, as usual. In the US we know all about authoritarian systems with smiling faces. Things do seem to be getting really crazy in the UK and Europe lately, though.
I really think everyone needs to drop the Nazi label though. Pretty much any movement can be racist and authoritarian. Communism has that history and so does liberal democracy.
You're probably right.
I never hear refutations of National Socialism beyond the racism part which is of course easy.
For instance? Corporations padding the pockets of elected officials to influence policy? Revolving door private/public employment opportunities? I guess that's more fascism. Do you mean militarism and suppression of basic rights like speech?
Yeah, I shouldn't say I never hear them. I hear them from libertarian and anarchists but not mainstream people that LOVE to talk about the "far-right".
So much of what Hilter did was also done in the US during the war but to a lesser extent. The nationalizing of industry for the war, propaganda campaigns that used racism, concentration labor camps based on race (I knew a survivor growing up), limiting free speech, and total war (targeting of civilians). FDR was a tyrannt but he is still considered a hero.
These individual actions should be criticized on all sides but you always get excuses. Hitler was the hero in his mind and to the people who supported him. Justifying your actions can be easy to do and the democratic nations have done a great job at it. Building surveillance states that rivial anything the USSR ever built. Since Snowden I tire of the focus on the far right and left. The US and its allies are an empire that abuses their power. I don't care where it lands on the right / left paradigm.
Musk's crew concerns me but it's not like the issue is new. Just a new crew replacing the old elites that have become bloated and ineffective.
I reject authoritarianism, nationalism, globalism, and statism. We need to realize we do not need the state. The state will always become authoritarian because that is its nature. Voluntary association and governance is the way forward.
Unfortunately I think only a small minority of us think this:
We need to realize we do not need the state.