If we keep changing the basic rules where businesses are build on. there is no future.
i don't see this as a basic rule, this is a trust assumption by a business who wanted to mitigate the 10-minute block confirmation, there will be other ways around it as I mentioned channel factories, but also i've heard talk of lightning channels off of liquid that would only require 1 minute confirmation I think that is within reason, to wait to establish a LN channel if you're looking for speed.
The basechain is the basechain, Muun for example, could just do that work in the backend, they can still take the risk on the confirmation and open up the channel on Liquid once thats avaialble, or ask the customer to peg in to use their turbo mode
No perfect solution for sure, but I think everyone is just trying to figure things out as we go along working around what the basechain provides
Liquid is not trustless I think we are not talking about the same.
(I’m not against liquid but it is what it is).
Is good to have liquid and let the people who wants 1 min confirmation and some kind of defi move some traffic to it , that’s fine.
But confusing the bitcoin network with liquid is not the best approach for a wallet .
I agree liquid is not trustless, you're just moving that trust around
I dont see it as confusion, it depends on the customer, like we will obviously want more control but a normie that just wants to open an app and pay someone might be more open to having that complexity handled by the app
All about trade-offs, and how you value your time vs your bitcoin
Full RBF simply gives me the same power that any of the miners or mining pools has ... to cause a transaction to get confirmed regardless if there was a conflicting transaction already in the mempool. Why should the mining pool be permitted to do that, but I am not?