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If you were being extra charitable, could you make a case for why it was a net positive? Personally I can't, but I'm trying to be thorough.
Sure, but why should I do it, when the much smarter Bryan Caplan has already put so much effort into it.
Because I like you, and I don't even know him!
I'll give it a listen, thanks. 😁
I linked to this comic book by the SMBC guy and Caplan once, arguing for open borders. Got a lot of backlash at the time so didn't feel like engaging further.
Yeah, a lot of people are very hostile to the idea.
The sad part is that people are very closed minded. I was very much against it too, until I was presented evidence. Most people can't pivot from something once they've decided.
It's one of those topics that people feel very strongly about. It's like a core belief. I have a few of those beliefs too, and i almost feel physically uncomfortable when being challenged on those. I have to consciously treat the opposing view as an intellectual exercise to get past that discomfort. SN has been a good exercise for this, as my core beliefs are mostly liberal and socialist.
It's a lot easier when you know you're dumb. It makes being wrong a more reasonable expectation.