In resume, Muun wallet and other 0-conf services will die with the next update.
Muun wallet simply needs to wait for a confirmation where applicable. Phoenix wallet does that and works fine; I personally recommend it over Muun.
As for other 0 conf services... Like what? There used to be a lot more. But they were getting attacked and gave up. Eg I haven't found an ATM that accepted zero conf for literally years. Nor have I found any in-person exchange services that accepted zeroconf without full AML/KYC.
Many years ago I did have some ATM operators complain to me that they'd lost a lot of money with zero conf though...
I’m using Phoenix lately for the same reason, I think It's more aligned with how bitcoin will be used in the future. (Or how should be used in the future)
But I don’t see the point of forcing RBF who will benefit ?