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I came across this stunning chart today:
(source: Martin Wolf, Financial Times, "In defence of the state"--non-paywalled here.)
Like a good lapdog, entirely out of sync with the times and/or reality, Mr. Wolf stares at this eye-popping graph...and reaches the incredible conclusion that what America needs is more government.
Not better, faster, more efficient, more competent etc. But more. Bigger. Modern life is complicated, and non-market overlords, paid out of general taxation on productive activities, makes that life better!

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either.

Now, obviously I'm just an idiot somewhere in the ethereal world of the internet commentariat, but what tha actual FUCK?!
Like, what sort of insane ideological lens does one need to employ to observe the largest(-ish) size of American government ever, hear about some schmuck half-way across the world trying to reduce that slightly along the margins (#889477), and conclude that that is a government coup and contrary to civilized society?
The copium among the legacy media and general intellectual class is astonishing.
So many of my colleagues are just aghast at what's happening. So many smug smirking headshakes, so many hysterical outbursts. I couldn't be happier.
top-quality meme, sir
You need not go past the subtitle to wonder about the author's sanity:
A complex society is best served by a competent, professional and neutral public service.
The very idea of supposing the US bureaucracy is competent, professional, and neutral?
Is the Trump administration making the public service more or less competent, professional and neutral?
Government is a fundamental driver of the wealth of nations.
Libertarians fail to understand this.
They need to look at history and reality a little more perhaps.
you need to study harder, my guy
You could learn how to engage in reasoned debate and a fair contest of ideas where you respond to the points made rather than seeking to put down the messenger.
If you are competent and confident of your assertions you would welcome and engage in reasoned debate and could put for a good case for the assertions you have made- the fact that you don't suggests otherwise.
Can you name a single successful economy in the present day or all of human history where the government does/did not play a fundamental role in that economic success?
Who the f is Martin Wolf
Some annoying schmuck, i.e. British cunt
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