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By Ryan McMaken
There are more federal grantees and contractors at NGOs and private firms than there are “official” federal workers. These faux “private“ jobs must be cut also.
They are already being cut. Just heard a story on the radio. This lady was really sad because she lost her job in Atlanta at the CDC and her husband who is a contractor lost his job too. There's gonna be a lot more of these types of stories and more and more pressure from the public pushing back on Trump's admin.
I suspect his approval rating is gonna suffer in the short term if they continue cutting. The US public are not small government libertarians. Not yet. When it affects things like like or people they know they suddenly are OK with government spending and programs.
I've seen it over and over through the years from "small gov conservatives". They talk a big game but they love the gov tit as much as the left does. They just disagree with the distribution of funds.
I've also heard of farmers getting their conservation payments cut. Not exactly the same, but similar.
I haven't heard that yet. I live in farm country and if they start cutting those welfare programs I'll hear about it real quick. There is already plenty of people that love Trump not happy about how immigration is being handled. It is gonna really affect their workforces. Its affecting friends of mine as well. At least there are many very concerned about family and friends.
For generations the laws have not been enforced and not really reformed either. Now someone is cracking down and it sucks for those that gambled on things going a different direction. I know one person that has figured out how to get his status legal for now. Hopefully he can figure out a longer term solution soon though.
That would be great. The best part of it will be that it will piss off all the worst people.
Probably more so than firing the regular bureaucrats.
It’s good that the Trump administration is taking steps to eliminate some of the three million direct-hire federal workforce. But, it is now time to also cut the millions of workers on the federal dole who pretend to be “small businessmen” or “private-sector” workers. Surely, most of them will be able to find other employment in no time. After all, haven’t we been hearing for years that these people are incredibly skilled hard workers? Surely, the real private sector will snatch them up immediately. There’s only one way to find out.
I really think that Trump should go Eastern Europe on the NGOs; outlaw the foreign ones completely and shut the native ones down. That would eliminate all the corruption, graft and grifting that goes on in these unconscionable organizations. They are all tax-eaters and slush funds, not tax-generators.
Another part of the solution, or even a separate solution, may be to take away the franchise to vote from all tax-eaters, no matter where they work, if they or their NGO company takes money from the state. Therefore, only people with skin-in-the-game are able to vote where to spend their hard-earned tax money.
That would get sticky in practice, since everyone is a recipient of government "services", which conceptually are the same as payments. It's easier to just remove the conflict of interest by getting as many people off the dole as possible.
Getting them off the dole is the problem as long as there is state interference in the economy. If there were a free market, including in labor, then nobody would be without a job, unless they chose that lifestyle. Of course, nobody should be forced to pay for someone else’s lifestyle, either.
Just a question, though. If the Eastern Europeans could do it, in reality, not just practice, why can’t we do it? There are countries in Eastern Europe that will not allow any NGOs to operate within their boundaries, at all. They seem not to have any problems, other than complaints from the NGOs and the NGO workers.
How do you separate NGO's from legit charities?
Legitimate charities get money from individuals and companies, only, not from the state. If they are getting money from the state they are illegitimate and should be shut down.
That's a good enough delineation for me.