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Did we really land on the moon or was it a scam?
Is the following documentary just conspiracy theory?
If it is a scam, what is the purpose? What does gov gain with all of this?
Yes, of course we landed.70.5%
No, it's all a scam.29.5%
44 votes \ poll ended
62 sats \ 8 replies \ @alt 18 Feb
If it was all faked, why didn't the Soviet Union deny it? They had their own space program with lunar satellites, they were tracking the Apollo 11 flight, and if the Americans didn't land there then the Soviets had every incentive to call them out for faking it.
this is the main argument against a moon landing conspiracy and it certainly is compelling that both them and the chinese would know it was fake just via satellite reconnaissance alone
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @alt 18 Feb
It's my go-to counterpoint to moon landing conspiracy theorists because there is no reasonable argument against it. The physical evidence and data itself is undeniable, but it is hard to explain succinctly. The fact that the Soviets didn't try to deny the US landing though, there's no real explanation for that other than "it actually happened".
I've thought the same thing. Its a pretty good argument.
I don't know, probably because at the time they believed it? Remember, they didn't had Internet. Most soviets didn't have TV even.
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @alt 18 Feb
I'm talking about the Soviet government. They had their own space program with lunar satellites. They had the capability to track Apollo 11 and to independently verify the landing, with every incentive to call out a fakery.
Did they track Apollo 11 for sure? Do we have the data?
Putin would know~ maybe that's what hes got on Trump!
This is why I’m sure we did land on the moon.
What even is the Moon.
the most important question !
what's up with this man? babbling about the global mudflood and the moon made of plasma... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhIwZuPGfss
cheese 🧀
Its not that I don't believe the US government would lie about landing on the moon... its that I don't think they could have kept that a secret for this long. To many would know, to many would be able to disprove it and would love to as someone else pointed out.
As far as the documentary says, many people knew.
It's like the JFK assesination, today we don't know the oficial truth yet.
LOL how is it like JFK? We will never know on JFK
Few enjoy espousing the most meta conspiracy theories and facts you've ever heard as much as I do, and yet I find moon landing truthers to be nearly as retarded as flat earthers. That's not to say we for a fact did land on the moon, just that the quality of truther evidence and narrative is piss poor and if they were right it would be the most inconsequential thing you could focus on... the US has space dominance regardless of what anyone thinks.
Sir your opinion is respectable, but you don't provide any data on why they are retarded.
For added context I wrote that immediately after clicking through the video to hear them talking about hair gel
So you find natural for the hair to always stay fit in one direction when there is no gravity.
no gravity
micro-gravity*, truthers should first and foremost get facts straight
.. and yes, are you claiming you have some better first hand knowledge than anyone to predict exactly how it would move including unlimited systemic variables like static and surface tension?
That's not even moon landing theory, that's can we put people in orbit theory... that's wholly retarded.
And the people that spend the most money (in the private sector) putting shit in orbit other than telecoms are materials companies doing experiments on how shit behaves in relation to other shit in micro-gravity.
lol, surface tension. Sorry, sir, your explanation doesn't convince me.
So, if something sounds odd, we must by default believe the gov, becasue of "unlimited systemic variables"?
pff... the "moon."
Dude, you believe in the moon??
What else does he believe in? Birds?
Rocks are soft until you touch them.
There is something out there, round and bright.
Testimony of Karl Wolfe, Air Force Vet that worked on imaging equipment at Langley.
Listen to his story about the first images sent back of the far side of the Moon.
why is he smiling and laughing so much when is about a so much serious and important subject? I think he's not telling the truth, smiling is a form of hiding something in a situation like this, is a decoy.
Maybe he is just a jolly fellow.
21 sats \ 10 replies \ @senf 18 Feb
Jesus Christ some of you guys get fucking retarded with the conspiracy theories.
The first sign of cognitive dissonance is when somebody believe blindly in what a gov says and reply with the (CIA) invented term "conspiracy theory".
28 sats \ 7 replies \ @senf 18 Feb
Believing something because you think the government lies about literally everything is stupid.
govs always lie
They could tell you the sky was blue and you'd start saying it was something else.
the sky does not always look blue to an observer. also, many colors look like blue.
Don't govs almost always lie, except when it is convenient to not do so?
always. I never ever believed or trust any gov. NEVER.
I'm just asking. It would be kind of you if you further explain and provide data.
Musk and Bezos have all the money in the world and technology is so much better than December 1972 the last time someone landed on the moon. Something doesn’t add up
So you believe in or not?
Everything seems to go in that direction, that USA landed on the moon, one day
that shows the americans ego...
Yeah, sounds like MAGA retarded tribal ego.
I believe that only Beavis and Butthead landed on the Moon
30% of people on this website are regarded lol
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence ...
I don’t know one way or the other but I absolutely do NOT believe the narrative that we’ve been fed our entire lives.
In a Bitcoin standard, do you think will be possible a moon landing? Will somebody pay for such useless exorbitant thing with their own sats?
The space program research and development has yielded trillions of dollars in subsequent technological innovations. Governments have both the mandate and ability to drive such pure science frontier developments. Private capital would lack the motivation. Industry and commerce benefit from the trickle down of the resultant new technology. Another example of the state being a significant factor in the wealth of nations.
Crowdfunding. Millions of people would pay small amounts, just for the fun of it. Like zapping for going to the moon. But I guess that could end up in scamming people.
We probably landed on the moon, yes.
But the moon is not a natural formation. It was put there, deliberately.
I don't know man, this looks like gaslightning.
Why not?
I think it's a mix.
I've seen sufficient evidence of the Moon Landing itself: in particular, they left corner reflectors up there that anyone with a powerful enough laser can find. We did that in one of my undergrad physics classes, and loads of other people have replicated the test.
I've also seen enough evidence to be convinced that a lot of the documentation of the Moon Landing was fake.
Maybe, they just didn't have the communications and photographic technology to make it work (or were sufficiently concerned about that), so they filmed and recorded a bunch of stuff on Earth.
yeah it seems like subsequent landings were real but the first with armstrong may not be and that is why he never did interviews and just disappeared
you mean the subsequent landings looked more real than the first one? Hollywood got way better in the same time frame. not implying causation, just saying there's a correlation with the how believable mind control operations movies became. the most mind-blowing discovery for me was that many mass casualty and other dramatic events are cud be staged, and unsuspecting observers literally say "it was as if we're in a movie."
That theory is strange. Why would a gov half scam their population? They could go in full scam and save all the money invested for their own corruption.
There are a bunch of proposed explanations. One of which is that it was a backup plan, just in case the pictures and videos didn't survive the radiation belt. Or, if the broadcast didn't work.
The Moon Landing was such a huge deal culturally and had cost so many resources that it would have been a huge let down if people couldn't see it.
tell me that you are willing to fly to the moon with that junk...
I'm not even saying definitively that people stood on the Moon, but something put those reflectors there and people are the most likely candidates.
Also, whether or not I'm willing to do something is not the right test. People do all kinds of crazy shit that I would never do and the internet is full of documentation for that.