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Recently Trump "ordered" the release of JFK murder files. That remind me of this mini series: 11.22.63, quite interesting and entertaining theory, involving time travel.
What do you think about JFK assassination?
Was a time traveler6.9%
Was some aliens from another world3.4%
CIA & Co75.9%
29 votes \ poll ended
CIA & Co and BANKSTERS are kind of one and the same.
And we should also add AIPAC, Mossad and Israel to the mix of those if we are being truthful.
was a trick question :)
I watched this. It was a lot of fun.
Spoilers for this show and Umbrella Academy:
It's funny to me that, the two times I've seen shows that feature "if Kennedy lived" alternate timelines, Umbrella Academy had one as well, they lead to some world ending, apocalyptic scenario.
Don't worry... papa Trump and Musk "will save us" 😂😂😂 just trust the plan
I have a friend that mockingly calls him "our lord and savior Donald Trump". LOL.
politics indeed is a religion
It is. The parties are just churches that want to take control of the religion. The state is the god, the schools are the education center programming you to believe in the entity and its saints, the politicians.
No- religion is used as a tool by politicians.
Politics is the business of government and is crucial to the wealth of nations.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 17 Feb
I read the novel. It was entertaining.
I don't have a strong opinion on it but I don't think it was any of those. I think it was an attempt that failed and the secret service actually killed him in response on accident. Then they covered it up. Its explained in the file "JFK: The Smoking Gun". Of all the theories it makes the most sense to me.
now you sounds like Kramer and Newman from Seinfeld explaining the scene hahahaha
I know... love that episode. Not my theory though.
Its based on this book. Mortal Error
Donahue first became interested in the story of the assassination of John F. Kennedy after participating in a re-creation of the shooting as one of eleven invited marksmen and sharpshooters. He demonstrated that it would have been possible for Lee Harvey Oswald to have fired three shots in the time specified by the Warren Commission, and was the only one of the eleven to better the 5.6-second window. However, the experience highlighted to Donahue other concerns regarding the Warren report — in particular, the fact that the testimony of ballistics experts seemed to have been completely omitted from the Commission's evidence gathering.
The theory is based on mostly on the fact that normal agent that was supposed to be the gunner in the follow car was still hungover from the bender they all went on the night before at a strip club. He was just too drunk so they swapped him out for another agent with little experience in that role. When the first shot was fired he accidentally fired and hit JFK in the head killing him. What follows was a coverup to hid this from the public.
Based on the info I have read over the years this theory best explains things to me. Not to say that there wasn't another conspiracy, I suspect there were multiple but as we have seen with law enforcement with Trump and in many other cases, they cover for each other. They make up excuses. No way they were gonna admit what happened and how irresponsible they were in doing their jobs.
I will be very surprised if the "release" of documents will answer the questions though. Do people really think there is gonna be a document just spelling out the conspiracy? That wouldn't be written down would it. And so many documents and videos have been "lost" over the years. People are so gullible.
Like I said, I don't know what happened but I don't think that's ever gonna change. I will tell you this. I do think the CIA, the mob, and other deep state actors would have no problem killing JFK, Trump or whoever if they wanted to do it. Morally I mean. Functionally its not easy to do.
Yeah releasing some other bullshit fake documents will not gonna change anything. I would be more happy if they will blame aliens and that's it. Case closed.
But the "smoking gun" will became another "smoking mirror"...
Yeah.. it does not matter even a little bit. If people believe there was a coverup of any kind... why do they still believe in the state at all?
Aliens, but they worked for the CIA.
wait... CIA are not the reptilians?
CIA are reptilians, but they were working with the Grey aliens to kill Kennedy. The whole thing was funded by communist banksters
so they did time travel indeed... I knew it!
We should be crime solving partners. They could make a sitcom about us called Darth and The Vark.
I have the time travelling device...
JFK was killed by the US.
And what about ? Chuck Norris killed 100 men with just one bullet There was no gun
What is the difference between CIA and BANKSTERS?