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In those terms, yes, they will be successful, but not permanently! Both Trump and Musk are entrepreneurs and operate on the principle of markets and profit, whereas the bureaucracy operates on the differing principle of rule following. They are two, totally and completely different methods and have different tools and goalposts for success. Trump and Musk, to be successful, have to change the rules the bureaucrats operate under and must follow for the bureaucrats to become successful. Bureaucrats will never operate on the profit and loss, most efficient manner because it is foreign to them and how they operate, by the rules. Mises in Bureaucracy really goes over this with a fine-toothed comb to make sure that his readership understands it. It is a 135 paged book and is a fairly easy read. Trump and Musk really need to read it to help us all out of this quagmire.
Good point, but a major perspective shift on the nature of the state may well result in different rules being placed on the bureaucracy.
That is probably the best we can look forward to, unless they outright butcher the fatted calf of the state down to pre 1860 size. That would be more appropriate, IMHO.