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This is a topic of great interest. Recently read in an article that I got sailing in Tweeter.
that these delays are also due to what the gold stored in England is stored in billets of 400 ounces approximately, and the gold that is traded in USA is made in billets of 100 ounces. In this article they comment that doing this ounces is not entirely so easy, since they must send gold to Switzerland where the only refineries that do that work are located. to later send it to USA.
If USA begins to ask for their gold, other nations will do the same, and that will not lead to a bank run on gold possibly, due to the entire "paper gold" in existence, compared to the Palpable physical gold stocks.
and gold touching the 3000 $ per ounce.
If all this continues like this, I think we are not prepared for the climb that comes both in the gold, and in turn in Bitcoin