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Return of the Jews to Their Original Homeland:
Lady Michelle Renouf has a brilliant solution to the Palestinian issue, which involves giving the Palestinian people their entire historical land and giving the Jewish people their historical republic. The racist Zionist extremist might ask, "Does the Palestinian people have a historical land?" Lady Michelle Renouf responds by saying: "That is not the question. Perhaps your question is: what is the question then?"
Lady Michelle says: "The question is: Did the Jewish people have a historical state or a homeland exclusively for them?" She answers, "Yes, but this state is not in Palestine or any Arab land, it is in another place that Zionists and their colonial and racist allies do not want to talk about." This is what will be highlighted in this amazing presentation of the brilliant solution to the Palestinian issue, especially after Trump presented his plan, which was rejected by all parties except his friend Netanyahu.
What is this brilliant solution?
Lady Michelle Renouf, a British woman, believes there is a solution to the Palestinian issue that has not received the attention it deserves. It involves the return of the Jews to their original homeland.
And does the Jewish people have an original homeland? Lady Michelle Renouf says: "Yes, they do, and it is the Jewish Republic in Birobidzhan (Birobidzhan), located in southeastern Russia." She adds, unfortunately, most of the world is unaware of it because Israel, of course, does not want this mentioned. She explains that this republic was the first homeland for the Jews in the world, and it remained so until the Zionist idea emerged of settling the Jews in Palestine. The Zionists succeeded in ignoring the first Jewish Republic, which was established peacefully without the need to seize Palestinian lands from the indigenous people.
Lady Michelle Renouf defends the solution of Jews returning to their original homeland with stunning historical arguments, which many hear for the first time. To promote this idea, she has founded an organization called the Jewish Republic. She does not miss an opportunity to try and spread this media-suppressed idea. She has delivered many lectures and interventions about this logical solution in various forums, one of which was in the British Parliament.
The solution, as Lady Renouf sees it, is the safe return of Jews residing in Palestine to the Jewish Republic, also known as the (Oblast), with its capital in Birobidzhan, where they can live in peace and safety without any anti-Semitism. They can enjoy the dominant Jewish culture there, speak Yiddish (the language of European Jews), and leave Palestine for its original Arab inhabitants.
Renouf emphasizes that the prevailing culture in Birobidzhan and its size, which is equivalent to Switzerland, allows for this fair solution and the end of the tragedy of displaced Palestinian Arabs around the world. The population density there is 14 people per square mile, compared to 945 square miles in the Zionist entity and 1,728 square miles in Palestinian territories.
Renouf stresses that the Jewish Republic was established in 1928 with support from American Jews themselves, including Jewish physicist Albert Einstein and American writer Goldberg. According to Wikipedia, the Jewish Republic was established in 1934, and it has a large Jewish community. The Israeli prime minister, however, insisted on a television program that the republic symbolized the Stalinist era, which was marked by anti-Semitism.
Renouf rejects these claims and affirms that Stalin worked to grant every ethnic group in the Soviet Union its own republic, not just the Jews. Thus, the accusation of anti-Semitism is not applicable. Furthermore, this republic served as a safe haven for Jews, and many emigrated there from outside the Soviet Union, finding safety, security, and peace. Emigration could have continued had Zionism not emerged with its racist ideology and the idea of seizing Palestinian land.
Lady Renouf considers that the Jews lied, as usual, when they claimed during World War II that they desperately needed land in Palestine as a homeland. There was no need to displace the Palestinians and seize their land because the option of the Jewish Republic was available to them. However, they chose Palestine out of greed. Renouf deplores the media blackout surrounding the Jewish Republic.
With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, every ethnic group became eligible to declare independence and establish its own republic, except for Birobidzhan, which caused sensitivity for Israel and raised concerns about the possibility of global awareness of it as the first Jewish republic. Renouf told Al-Quds Al-Arabi: "Many people don't know anything about this truth, and few who get the chance to listen to me and learn the truth don’t believe me easily, but I am ready to dedicate the rest of my life to convincing the world to believe me and work toward solving the conflict based on this truth."
Renouf is described in Zionist media as a Holocaust denier. She added: "The 191 member states of the United Nations can choose and support this solution without fear of being accused of anti-Semitism, as the residents of the Jewish Republic indeed live in safety and peace, without any anti-Semitism... Yes, indeed?"
Note: To verify the information, visit Google Earth and search for Birobidzhan. It will show the phrase: "Jewish autonomous district, Russia."
Interesting. There are several rumored origins of the Jewish peoples in various places in Eastern Europe, India and others. If this republic was established in 1934, there must have been earlier “homelands”, the problem is finding them and giving them back to their proper peoples.