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Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
Have a great weekend!
Top Posts
  1. Experiences of Peach Bitcoin; P2P Trading and Weird People
  2. How Big Brother can attack Bitcoin without spending a dime
    • @_arshbot explains how US laws can and are being used to attack Bitcoin, and eventually Lightning, without a majority of hash power.
    • 6.1k sats \ 12 comments \ @_arshbot
  3. The World's Most Productive Intellectual
  4. Is Your Master’s Degree Useless? (The Economist)
    • @denlillaapan, 3 for 5 this week, discusses the declining market value of a master's degree and the causes of the decline.
    • 1.8k sats \ 46 comments \ @denlillaapan
  5. The right real suffering
Top AMAs
  1. I'm Jameson Lopp, co-founder of Casa, AMA!
    • 22.3k sats \ 129 comments \ @lopp
Don't miss

Top meta

Top Monday meme

Top Friday fun fact
Scientists have been feeding spiders with flies imbued with different stimulants. Result? The worst cobwebs have ever been woven under the influence of caffeine/sleeping pills.

Top Stackers
  1. @antic: 77.9k sats stacked
  2. @Undisciplined: 77k sats stacked
  3. @grayruby: 76.1k sats stacked
  4. @ek: 59.7k sats stacked
  5. @Aardvark: 45.7k sats stacked

Top Spenders
  1. @bogo: 110.3k sats spent
  2. @Public_N_M_E: 78.7k sats spent
  3. @ek: 65.7k sats spent
  4. @grayruby: 63.9k sats spent
  5. @Bell_curve: 63.4k sats spent

Top Cowboys
  1. @Undisciplined: 508 days
  2. @OneOneSeven: 501 days
  3. @BlokchainB: 487 days
  4. @TNStacker: 483 days
  5. @grayruby: 451 days

Top Boosts
  1. Wasabi v2.5.0 released - Privacy wallet for Bitcoin only
  2. SystemErr0: Cypherpunk-inspired art will be shown in Prague.
  3. [DIY] Open-source Bitcoin signing device for less than 25 bucks
  4. Everything Engineer #2 (or #3) \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote
  5. Ross Ulbricht pardon coming tonight or tomorrow according to LP chair
  6. Trying to Sell Bitcoin At Pubkey
  7. ⚡️ PullThatUpJamie.ai Release v0.1.1 ⚡️ - Fast Podcast Search Upgrade
  8. Tether is back on Bitcoin - Lightning Dominance Is Just Starting
  9. Join our 1/25 mining block party. We don't stop until we mine a block.
  10. Bambu Lab Update Introduces New Mandatory Authorization System

Yeehaw, Keyan A guy who works on Stacker News
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