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I'd like to purchase a second laptop to manage bitcoin.
Would anyone recommend the T440p Thinkpad?
I'm just wanting something that is simple, barebones, cheap and reliable to install required applications for managmeent.
Also, anything else that I should look for spec wise?
109 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 15 Feb
Should be a good choice! I have a T420, T420s and a X220 and all of them are fine. T440p should be even better.
Also, anything else that I should look for spec wise?
SSD instead of HDD is always nice but not absolutely necessary
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 15 Feb
I second this
Which model?
Brilliant, thank you.
Would you recommend any good sources for purchasing a laptop, other than ebay, swappa, etc?
21 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 15 Feb
Not really, I bought mine refurbished from vendors on ebay
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 15 Feb
This one is much better than the one you posted in #886375 for just $50 more, see CPU benchmark and 16GB vs 8GB.
The t490 you’re saying is the better?
The T440p works if you’re on a budget, but:
  • Upgrade RAM to 16GB & 1TB SSD
  • Physically remove webcam/mic
  • Flash me_cleaner to kill Intel backdoors
  • Run Linux (Wi-Fi OFF, Ethernet only source)
**If spending $300+, get a T480. **
Anything that runs Linux...and has 4+GB RAM
Microsoft and Apple are state sponsored spyware.
Absolutely no Microsoft. Absolutely no Apple. Any laptop will do; just install Linux on it. I recommend Ubuntu.
T440 should be great! But its old hardware, so expect things to break after a while...
If you have some RAM and the time to learn then QubesOS could be perfect. Or Virtualbox, with wallets running in a VM that has no network at all.
That is how I keep some of my Bitcoin secure using Electrum cold wallets on this laptop, first I denied it network in Virtualbox itself, then I ripped out all the networking packages inside the VM.
Yeah there might be a keylogger somewhere in theory, but since I am running this using Mullvad on Linux Mint I should be fine. Got most in hardware wallets of course.
Lots of ways to secure things once you are on older hardware and Linux or QubesOS!
Thank you!
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @sigit 22 Feb
You can't go wrong with qubes certified hardware (T430 is in there)
Oooof little to pricey for me
What do you mean by "managing BTC"?
Don't out any seed phrase in any hardware which has direct or indirect connection to the internet. Use air gapped wallets.
One factor to consider is where the laptop is assembled and the origins of its components. I like Lenovo, but I chose HP for this reason.
Crypto only laptop-guide:
Are you planning to run an onchain node?, lightning node? Or just wallets?
Well I have a start9 unit already separately running so it will not be on the computer. It’ll be used for managing wallets and transactions I think
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But which model?
It depends on your needs. What do you mean by "required applications for managmeent" ?
Depending on how you manage your corn, you'll need different apps/os that will consequently define the hardware. List the things you want to "manage" and may helps help you select the right model.
So the things I use:
  • Sparrow wallet
  • Start9 node software (alby wallet, btcpay server, etc)
  • Tor Browser
  • Bitwarden
  • And anything else that I may need to consider (?!)
start9 has sparrow and self hosted bitwarden (vaultwarden). just set up the laptop as a start9 node and access it through your LAN/ Tor.