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A record 58.4% of American households now consist of married or single adults without children.
The number of couples who have children is decreasing, the number of couples themselves too. This topic has been discussed several times already, but this is quite a nice graphic 🙂.
Great find!
I find it very tragic that "single no kids" is displacing "married with kids".
Indeed, I am trying not to be too judgmental though. Both paths have their own kind of beautiful chaos. Everyone’s choice.
I'm not exactly being judgmental. Although, I suppose that's a part of it. You can't know what you're missing out on, until you are married with kids, while most of us do know what being single without kids is like.
No, what makes me sad about this is that my impression is that many people would like to be in relationships and are failing to do so.
I agree completely.
Us under crisis of singlehandedly!
Yeah, some say crisis, others say “the golden age of America begins now”.
I think these numbers are repeated in many Western countries. What could this bring in the near future? A stronger generation after this?
Stronger in what sense? I am a bit pessimistic regarding the near future: fewer and fewer children, at the same time, in my opinion, unsustainable high standard of living, high salaries, high pensions, high prices, along with growing populism and nationalism....
I say this thinking that weak generations create hard times, and hard times create strong generations. Unless other cultures with higher birth rates take over everything and, in the case of the USA, dominate the political system—then what happened to the Roman Empire will happen.