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I have dreams that repeat themselves in different ways from time to time, for example: When I dream about elevators they are always ugly inside, I even once dreamed that one had a huge hole in the middle of the floor. When I dream that I am going to fly in a plane for some reason I never manage to travel. I dream about zombies or ghosts that chase me, not only me but also the people who are with me, once I dreamed that one of these creatures cornered me to such an extent that I decided to look it in the eyes and accept that I was going to die at that moment, years have passed and I still remember it vividly. Another dream from years ago that I remember very well, was one about a fairground park and the "Ferris wheel" broke and began to roll all over the park, people fled desperately, the wheel reached me, just like in the zombie dream, here I also decided to look at the giant wheel as it came for me to crush me, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and woke up. Usually in dreams we find it difficult to run or hit (I don't know why that happens), but once I dreamed that a guy tried to abuse my daughter and I can say that it was the first time I was able to dream that I could run and fight. In that dream I broke the man's neck with one pull. I have also had nice dreams that I don't want to wake up from.