I've heard this one popping up more recently, I suppose it has become more popular with more NGU. I don't think I saw this narrative pop up pre-2024.
the logic seems to be when bitcoin price is down people don't care, then when it's back up, it's not fair.
Of all the wrong crap media says and no coiners say, i think find this one of the most retarded because bitcoin is one of the most fair things there is, anyone can get involved, at any price point, in any country, with as little as a dollar.
also, there wasn't a pre-mine.
I also have never seen this mentality of 'not fair' applied to stocks or investments. nobody is telling goldbugs it's not fair they bought at a lower price in , say 2018. nobody is saying Meta and Apple stock isn't fair because people got in earlier. etc etc
it's one of the laziest arguments of them all because the people saying it don't apply their own 'fairness standards' to any other class of asset, just to bitcoin. shit, I don't even think I have seen media or 'experts' say eth isn't fair, and this would actually be a valid point for eth because of the pre-mine and the cost to stake.
just hodlers just taking shit and getting abused by all MMS for a decade. no wonder maxis end up toxic, it's infuriating.
when was the first time you guys saw people talking about how it wasn't fair, maybe it was way earlier and I missed it.
I wonder what new BS arguments will pop up as time goes on and BTC continues to grow.