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I'd concur that the mental health issues pointed out in the above quote are -imo- at least in part correlated to the rise of social media.
I don't really "get" the link between food and thought; What I think and what I eat are two different things, no? I can eat healthy and have a depression at the same time, no?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @398ja 12 Feb
There is a clear link between food and thoughts. Our guts are inundated with nerves and hormones that directly affect our brain. For this reason we say that our guts are our "second brain." Also, this is why we ingest mental health pharmaceutical drugs...
The clarity of mind one gets when on a "clean" diet, or even when fasting for a long period, cannot be explained with words, it has to be experienced.
One way or another, I think that some of his points are wildly overstated.
I can sense you have a lot of skepticism about carnivore. I did as well, before I got interested in bitcoin. I had heard of it, just a little, and it sounded absolutely INSANE to me.
But then I learned that some bitcoiners that I really respected were carnivore. That opened my mind. Then I listened to an interview with Nina Teicholtz, and it was so fascinating that decided I absolutely HAD to read her book The Big Fat Surprise.
I read the book, and it turned my (nutritional) world upside down. I continued reading other books with alternative nutritional approaches, and started listening to carnivore podcasts.
Then within a month I was actually carnivore. And have been doing it for 14 months, and will absolutely never go back.
I mean if it works for you it works, but some of your experiences are a bit of a stretch to me.