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Yeah, but most of the "conservatives" I interact with are more country club Republican types, who already realize that.
I really think most people aren't that concerned with logic, reason, or being consistent in their ideology. You see this all the time if you pay attention. I think its why we see so much of the autistic in the liberty movement... they can't just "accept" all the logical inconsistencies...
At least that's what I think is up with me...
I agree completely. Dave Smith points this out all the time, when he's talking about the futility of arguing with statists.
It doesn't matter how many amazing arguments you make, even if the person acknowledges them at the time. As soon as that conversation is over, they'll forget all about it and revert right back to where they started.
Many of us, on the other hand, would be kept up all night trying to reconcile the inconsistencies exposed in our world view.
I first realized this when I was a "conservative". It was about the Constitution. Conservatives used to harp on the Constitution to people that have a completely different view of the document. It is an incredible waste of time.
I've just landed on this simple view.
Both parties just want power. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get it. They don't care about logic, reason, or consistency. Both sides are pretty equal in this. They want to smash the other into the ground. No one on either side seems to desire a world where we can live together, separately in peace not violating each other's rights. There seems to be "only winning". Which just means endless violence IMO.
Yep, it's a low intensity civil war, as Tom Woods describes it.
That's one of the main reasons I'm so in favor of National Divorce. Why make people who want opposite policies all live under one policy set?
I think the resistance to this idea is currency bias. Many people just can't envision something different. They falsely assume you can go back. I mean a weaker federal gov is a middle ground but I don't see that happening as both parties will not weaken the executive branch.
I kinda chuckle at conservatives that are running victory laps now. Do they not think about the next time a dem wins and uses the same powers to reverse all these changes... I chuckle at the dems for doing the same thing. Freaking out about Trump while seeking to give the state more power over their lives.
It is so obviously stupid. If it were abstracted outside of the nation state people could actually have a chance to see it.
What I'm loving right now, and certainly hope Dems do in retaliation, are all the revelations of misconduct.
Executive orders can all be undone, but there's no way to put this toothpaste back in the tube.
Interesting. We have very different circles...
If it wasn't clear I'm a red-neck pretending to be a techno-nerd.
Yeah, my social circle has almost always been liberal academics, even though I'm from backwoods libertarian stock.
Classical liberal academics?
What do you think?
I've spent almost my entire adult life in mainstream academic institutions.