Uhhhh... Okay, so, here's where we're at in terms of military spending — 
And interest payments on the debt will EXCEED the blue part? How would that even work.
Yea you know what, nevermind. I'm just going to send you some sats k00b, we all need to stack a lot more.
Lol should change defense to war!
It used to be — the "Defense" Department was the WAR DEPARTMENT until after 1945.
After World War 2, I suppose, we got wise to the benefits of propaganda and the power of labels, so the name was changed.
I like War Department more too. Not only is it more honest, it sounds more badass.
We also have the Department of Homeland Security. What is the Department of Defense defending, if we also need Homeland Security?
Rhetorical question, of course... the DoD is all about maintaining the petro dollar and other military adventurism abroad
That blue part is almost $800,000,000,000 according this article.