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CubaBitcoin tiene un nodo Lightning. Localización: Francia, alojado en ISP en Lituania. Aquí es tremendo lío con el ISP de aquí. La solución fue detrás de Tor y listo. Es solo Lightning.
Se llama Cuba Bitcoin.
Tal vez viendo en la mempool.space ves mejor la situación en que estamos
  1. No tienes que dar informacion privada por aqui. Yo preguntaba solo que tipo de nodo es y como conectas a el.
  2. O sea tu ISP esta bloqueando el accesso por clearnet a este VPS (nodo LN) ?
  3. Entonces la unica solucion es conectar atraves de Tailscale o LNC. Aqui tienes la documentation de como hacerlo: https://docs.zeusln.app/category/remote-connections
  • tailscale = private tunnel over private IP
  • LNC = Lightning Node connect using Lightning Terminal from LL
Again, using Tor with that node you will have ONLY troubles, but yeah your situation in Cuba is really fucked up with running LN nodes.
Can you use NWC from any other node? Did you test it ? Coinos, lnwallet.app, rizful, nodana, minibits or any other service that provide a NWC access, can you test it, if your ISP is not filtering?
If NWC works, you can convert very easily your remote node into a Alby Hub with NWC. You can even create sub-accounts as uncle Jim for more people.
The management part can still be done through a Thunderhub in a Tor browser but using effectively that LN node for payments can be done over NWC.
NWC is a wonderful way to simply use LN accounts: https://nwc.dev/