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I have one in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and yes it's useless or the job market!
> did his degree in philosophy
> claims degrees were useless for the job market
the jokes write themselves
That's not quite the story, but sure 😃
but he also has a background in economics, you would think that is pragmatic unless hiring managers say only a brainiac would study all 3 subjects as an interdisciplinary (spelling?) major, we can't hire brainiacs, smart people yes but too brainy
109 sats \ 2 replies \ @Shugard 8 Feb
The problem is me not the job market itself. The problem being, getting too much knowledge you don't want to do shitty, useless high payed jobs. You look for purpose. That's why I went into education to fight windmills. Shitty salary, no one that's you, but hey I think it has a purpose.
Does grading have a purpose? lol
Not at all! But spreading knowledge has
Doesn't your school automatically pay you a higher salary for having that degree...?
It would be if it were only a German Master's degree. I am a degenerate immigrant trying to exploit their system. Therefore I get a 800 EUR net haircut every month.
do most immigrants in Germany have a master's degree?
What do I know 😅 the gov will know. Also I am a German. Just happened that I studied abroad in two third world countries, Czech Republic and USA.
third world countries, nice, lol