That is what goes away when we die, you think there is something beyond our ephemeral earthly life?.Leave me your comment and what you think about this.
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To think or waste time thinking that there is behind death, life is now and it is today that we are alive. This is where you have to think, what to do while we are alive and enjoying life.
Leave those thoughts 💠on after death to the religious asleep who live the deceived life thought that by following the instructions of a book written by a man or hearing the Sunday sermon of another man, they live deceived thought that living under that dopma and those those Rules, the Holy Spirit will take them to a place after dying, together with God to live there in eternity enjoying the bliss. 😅😂🤣
Holy Spiritwill take them to a place after dying, together withGodto live there in eternity enjoying the bliss. 😅😂🤣