Last week was shit—absolutely abysmal.
So, can only go up from there, eh!
We've had insane winter storms over here, wave after wave after wave of snow, rain, and 100-110 mph winds. Lots of staying inside, then. Also haven't seen the sun in over a week; the sky did clear up today while I was in an outdoor pool swimming (not sea swimming until Sunday, lol! #873759) but it was after sunset so only pretty colors and crisp air.
Also some strange illness/covid-type thing on Monday and Tuesday—muscles all in pain, ache-y, tired, headache etc.
Anyway, held my weekly yoga class on Sunday (and said sea swimming!)—didn't record the daily pushups but I suppose a few.
Monday: skip, crappy day.
Tuesday: skip; migraine + storm so ain't nobody driving an hour for judo class (#851054)
Wednesday: Better, but only 4x10 pushups during the day.
Thursday: now we're cracking; 102 pushups (somehow I miscounted?!) plus a Chris Heria 8-minute core routine + regular meditation session (#863896).
Friday: gym + outdoor swimming + Japanese martial arts session in the evening + 98 pushups, since you fuckers bid down the BTC/USD exchange rate to embarrassing levels. #100adayuntil100k etc.
I could really feel my lack of strength and endurance at the gym. While this time last year I was cranking out pull-ups with 20kg weights, today I barely did 2x5 unweighted. (lots of playing, hanging, and acro shoulder movements though)
So yeah, not an excellent week; definitely better than last; yet much room for improvement!
Keep on grinding, healthy Stackers!